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Caldwell's Hometown Newspaper - Bridging Community & Commerce

Looking to market to Caldwell? We are the leading vehicle!
Click on the link below to view the online edition of the current Caldwell Perspective. Enjoy with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate!
One evening while at the College of Idaho listening to Roger Brooks, an urban development specialist speak about the revitalization of Caldwell I sat thinking of my high school days at Vallivue High School. My parents would tell me, "Chantele, you and your friends go down to the river and go fishing or take your horses out to the lake, but stay out of downtown Caldwell." It is true, in the early 90's Caldwell had a rough patch.
During the time of the seminar by Roger Brooks, my husband was a Caldwell businessman and I was a stay at home mom just getting ready to send my youngest of four kids to kindergarten. I had began to wonder what I wanted to do. I didn't want to stay home. I really didn't want to go back to school. Years prior I had lived in Burns, Oregon and I had the great privilege of working for the Burns Times Herald as a graphic artist and I truly loved it. So, right there in Jewett Auditorium on the College of Idaho campus listening to Roger Brooks I began planning the first Caldwell Perspective the very evening I developed a new perspective of our great little town. I went home dusted off my old mac computer and designed the mast (the header). For two months I began collecting stories and selling advertisements and in December 2014 the first edition of the Caldwell Perspective Newspaper was mailed. The response was so rewarding and it confirmed what I believe, there is good all around us if you look for it. I hope you enjoy reading the paper as much as we love producing it. If you have a business you want to promote or a story you would like to share please feel free to call me I would love to meet you. You can find our contact information on the contact us page.
Chantele Hensel
Caldwell Perspective is a full color, monthly, community newspaper distributing 14,500 copies each month. The majority through direct mail. We focus on the positive people, organizations and businesses our wonderful community offers.
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